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Brain Tumor Companion (BTC)

Brain Tumor Companion has participated in our Phoenix and Kansas City 5K run/walk events and has raised over $18,300. Learn more about their organization and the resources available to the brain tumor community!

Hello, my name is Angel and I’m a Meningioma brain tumor survivor. I managed six years on watch and wait, countless contrast MRIs, a neurologist, met with four different neurosurgeons and had a craniotomy in December 2018. I’ve faced many difficult and triumphant days. I created Brain Tumor Companion (BTC) to be a safe place for you to get support and resources to assist you with the challenges and uncertainties of this diagnosis. Here, we prepare you for all the stuff they don’t tell you!

Why seek support? This journey requires a lifetime of monitoring and treatment. BTC is a safe space to talk, cry, laugh, vent, be angry, and celebrate your wins. This process is not easy, many days can feel like an endless roller-coaster; you are not alone. 

Brain Tumor Companion (BTC) began after my craniotomy. I wanted to talk with someone who truly understood. I didn’t want my questions lost on social media pages under hundreds of comments, nor did I want a talk therapist or group leader with no first-hand brain tumor experience. Feeling alone made me frustrated, scared, and sad. To fill this gap, I created Brain Tumor | Meningioma Companion. Whether a Zoom meeting with just me or a Brain Tumor Zoom Support Group (BTZSG) with peers, I’m committed to maintaining this safe space for togetherness. The only one who can truly understand this diagnosis is one directly touched by it. 

I invite you to heal with me and your peers! As a Patient Advocate, Support Group Leader, and Director of Operations in the medical field, I understand the complexity of the healthcare system. Contact me today if you feel I can be of help to you. Email: | Text: 424-239-9366