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Healthcare Heroes



Submitted by:
Orlando Health Team

It is with great admiration and respect that we nominate Ciara Delagall, for being a HealthCare Hero, through her exceptional work as a clinic nurse, in Orlando Health’s neuro-oncology clinic. In an environment where precision, compassion, and quick thinking are paramount, Ciara consistently goes above and beyond to ensure the highest standard of care despite whatever barriers to care that our patients may face. She is a joy to work with, and I am so happy that our patients have her to rely on.

Ciara has continuously demonstrated a level of excellence that goes above and beyond in providing care to our neuro patients. Her passion for both her patients and team members is palpable and serves as an inspiration to all those around her. She consistently embodies the values of empathy, compassion, and clinical excellence that are at the core of our Cancer institute.

We believe that Ciara is an invaluable asset to our team, and her contributions have not gone unnoticed. Therefore, we wholeheartedly recommend her for any recognition that acknowledges her exceptional skills and unwavering dedication to the well-being of our patients.