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Healthcare Heroes

Dr. Kevin

Ginn, MD

Submitted by:
Kelly and Kyle Fisher

Kyle and I would like to nominate Dr. Kevin Ginn for the Head for the Cure Healthcare Hero Award. We met Dr. Ginn at Children’s Mercy in the PICU during our daughter Allie’s final days. Dr. Ginn was a calming and comforting presence. Kyle and I were extremely stressed and exhausted as we had to make the most difficult decisions regarding Allie’s care. We remain grateful for Dr. Ginn’s guidance and compassion during that time.

We reconvened with Dr. Ginn a couple of months after Allie had passed. He generously offered to answer any questions about Allie’s tumor, and he gave a lot of his time to do this. His care in the aftermath was vital to helping us move forward. Dr. Ginn also had seen families like ours – parents and siblings devastated by childhood cancer. He mentioned ways that we could channel our grief to help others, and he gave us much needed hope that we would be okay.

We are in awe of Dr. Ginn. I’ve said many times that Dr. Ginn has the hardest job in Kansas City. He cares for pediatric brain tumor patients day in and day out. It is a heartbreaking specialty as pediatric brain tumors are the leading cause of death by disease for children. Very few physicians sign up for such an emotionally heavy load. We are so grateful that Dr. Ginn was there in the PICU with us, and we are also thankful that he continues to serve the pediatric brain tumor community in Kansas City.

We are proud to nominate Dr. Ginn for the Healthcare Hero Award.