I am nominating neurosurgeon Dr. Sani for the Healthcare Hero award because I cannot think of a doctor who deserves it more. In July of 2013, at just 19 years old I was diagnosed with a golf ball sized ganglioglioma brain tumor, through all the chaos and shock of that day I met Dr. Sani in the ER and he has not left my side on this journey since. Dr. Sani stayed late that night in the ICU explaining the scans and next steps to my family and I, even giving his cell phone number to us in case of emergency. After a biopsy, Dr. Sani and another surgeon performed an awake craniotomy to remove my tumor and save the function in my right hand. I will never forget Dr. Sani sitting next to me holding my hand telling me the surgery was over and he was going to tell my family how well I did. In the 11 years since surgery, Dr. Sani has reviewed my MRIs and helped me navigate the both physical and emotional challenges of this journey. Dr. Sani cares so much about his patients and their overall well being, he is a smart, kind and empathetic doctor and the person I trust the most with my health. He has set the bar so high for every other doctor in my life, I would not be where I am today without him and I am forever grateful. Thank you Dr. Sani.