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Keeping the Faith




Submitted by:
Ashlynn Cohen

Jon Davis is the campus minister at Charleston Southern University and the preacher at Summit Church Charleston. During the summer, Jon was in Orlando, Florida for a student leadership conference and he started having headaches and showing some neurological signs. Students from CSU who were also there drove him to the hospital, but Jon started throwing up on the way there and had a seizure while a doctor examined him. Jon was put on a ventilator and put in the ICU. Jon was diagnosed with hybrid glioma, on the part of the brain that controls speech. He was admitted to MUSC upon his arrival back home in South Carolina where he received awake brain surgery to remove the tumor. He is now receiving chemotherapy and radiation and his powerful story about how his life was saved by the Grace of God has inspired so many people. He continues to preach and share the Gospel, and constantly praying for others even when he needs prayer the most.