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Keeping the Faith




Submitted by:
Iman Baydoun

A year ago, I received a dreadful call from my brother informing me that my sister was taken to the HFHS E/R. An MRI showed a large 7 cm. frontal lobe meningioma. Due to the severity of symptoms and size of tumor, she was immediately admitted and scheduled for surgery. Aleya had endured a year of isolation at home. Due to the size and location of the tumor, she had depression, anxiety, blindness, fatigue, severe headaches and vomiting.The tumor severely impacted her mentally and physically, she was unable to care for herself and family. She refused to go out, even to see a doctor. She was put on an antidepressant, unaware her symptoms were related to her frontal lobe tumor. With the grace of God, she was forcefully taken to the E/R. When I initially saw my sister in bed on the neuro floor, she appeared a stranger to me. It was not the sister I knew all my life. She had a blank, cold stare with an inappropriate affect. I let her know that I would always be by her side. Being a HFHS nurse for 27 years, I knew that God put her in the right place. Dr. Jack Rock and the neurosurgery team were performing her surgery. I had fear and concern, but I knew that everything that could be done would! She was in the best hands. Day 1 after discharge Aleya insisted on getting up and walking with the walker. She insisted on doing everything for herself, despite the post-op pain and severe headaches. She was discharged from home care and physical therapy much sooner than expected. Aleya was on multiple meds after surgery. As she started to heal and gain physical strength, Aleya realized that the tumor that caused her change of behavior was gone. She was determined to get off all medication and accomplished this in less than 2 months.The best news came when she was told that biopsy showed atypical cells. She needs f/u MRI’s only! As Aleya continues to heal, I’m so proud of her, she deserves an honor for her courage, positive outlook, determination and perseverance!