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Keeping the Faith

fontana reception 004



December 2013 was a month of life changing events for Amy Staggs-Fontana.I am not going to try to attempt to write about all the specific medical details or timeline of events. But instead would like to focus on the life lessons this courageous and amazing friend has managed to teach me and my family.I was very fortunate to have been in between careers at the time of Amy’s diagnosis.I had the ability to be by her side almost daily throughout her hospital and rehab stay.Many tears and laughs were shared during those long days and weeks. And sometimes, all we managed to do was sit in silence and hold each other’s hands to get through some tough moments. What I didn’t realize was the life lessons I was being taught. Her faith through all of this has been amazing. A face book post she once wrote states “Through God’s grace and power of prayer I am here today- my life has forever been changed and I have more to do here”. Amy probably has no idea all of times I have been inspired by her and how she has gotten me through my own “tough times” – none that even compare to her “tough times”. She has taught me more life lessons than she will ever realize. She inspires me to live life to the fullest and never take anything for granted for you never know what tomorrow will bring, so cherish each and every day God blesses you with. My 10 year old daughter wrote a “letter” to Amy when I told her we were nominating her for this. Amy- Where to start…. You have the strongest mind I know. You’ve taught me a ton. You taught me how to believe in myself by not thinking the job is done. And you taught be how to have courage for myself and other people. I’m very proud and glad I share a birthday with you. I’m also so grateful I met you! Because you taught me to never give up and keep trying even if I really want to quit. And I know I will spend more time with you.And also have more amazing memories with you. And girl you’ve got a bright future ahead of you. Love, Sydney