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Keeping the Faith

Angie 2



Submitted by:
Tom Jackson

My wife Angie started experiencing severe headaches and balance issues late in 2006. After multiple doctor office visits, we were informed there was “something” on the right front lobe of her brain. We were scared to death. Further investigations led us to Angie’s first brain surgery in the spring of 2007. Results indicated it was a Grade 2 Glioma. My wife underwent 6 months of chemotherapy after surgery. And during this time, remained the head of the household. Mother to our two young sons and my wife. Immediately after her chemo had ended, Angie returned to work full time. Still suffering the side affects of the surgery and chemo. But she was a trooper. Although informed that it was likely the tumor could return at any time, she didn’t let this slow her down or influence her everyday life. Angie was monitored for the next several years. We knew each time a scan was performed, there was always that chance we would be informed the tumor was back. My wife never displayed her fear of the tumor returning around our sons or friends and family. But we were both sick to our stomachs each day of the scans. In the winter of 2013, we were informed that the tumor had returned. Surgery was scheduled immediately. The tumor returned as a Grade 3 Glioma. Six more months of of chemo. And Angie’s body didn’t handle the chemo very well either time. Platelet crashes and a transfusion. Sickness like I’ve never seen a person endure. But again, she attacked the process head on. Since 2013, Angie gets scans every six months. Will it be this time? Next time? Although our sons are young men now, my wife tries to keep their spirits up and not dwell on the fact that their mother has brain cancer. She returned to work full time again after chemo in 2013. I know she struggles because of the side affects of two brain surgeries but she won’t let on that this is a factor in anything. She doesn’t want special treatment. She’s a fighter.