Angie Rhoads is an active fundraiser for Head for the Cure, participating in the 2010 event at Corporate Woods with her two friends, whose mother also has the same type brain tumor as Angie. Angie has organized ACS Relay for Life events as well, hoping to play a small part in the cure that will someday be found for brain tumors. Angie is faithful in her fight against brain cancer and is hopeful for a brighter future for herself and other cancer survivors.
Angie’s Christian faith is a living testimony to not only being a survivor … but a cancer thriver. Angie’s faith has kept her strong against so many obstacles. Some of these include having a father who died from a brain tumor when Angie was seven years old, losing her mother when she was just in high school and forging on to graduate from college after her first brain surgery side-lined her for a semester, surviving a fall into the Niagara River after experiencing her first seizure which led to an oligodendroglioma, grade 3 diagnosis and venturing into alternative treatments to work in conjunction with traditional therapies.
Keeping the Faith for Angie means having student health insurance that maxed out at $10,000. And then having the Campus Christian House at Central Missouri State University start a fund after putting out a plea to the Christian Community everywhere, resulting in $50,000 raised in one week’s time to cover her craniotomy and other medical bills.
Angie’s tumor has returned, and she is facing another brain surgery. This time she has health insurance through her job, but will rely again on her faith in researchers, doctors, friends, family and God above to see her through facing yet another obstacle.
Raising awareness of brain tumors, raising funds to support research, encouraging other survivors like her friends’ mother, and to keep smiling through it all requires a strong faith.
Keeping the Faith results in miracles. Faith is hope put into action. This is Angie.