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Keeping the Faith




Submitted by:
Nikole Torno

Meet Annette DeGreeff. In May 2016, Annette was at work as a nurse at St. Louis Children’s Hospital when she started to lose balance, comprehension, and developed right sided weakness. She was brought to Barnes Jewish and her journey began. Annette immediately underwent removal of the tumor and later found to be Grade 4 glioblastoma. While in the hospital we heard of Head for the Cure St. Louis race and not two months after Annette had a tumor the size of a softball removed from her brain she was determined to compete in the race in 2016 and finished on her own two feet! Amazing!! Now we are back one year later supporting Head for the Cure and Siteman Cancer center so we can advance Brain Tumor research and meet other families. Annette will finish Chemo August 2017 and her MRI scans show no evidence of new tumor growth. This diagnosis forced Annette to retire after 40 years at St. Louis Childrens. While this was devastating, Annette has kept her spirits up and has found other ways to stay involved in her passion. Recently she networked with a pediatric neurosurgeon at Children’s and will be donating her time helping to advance research in Pediatric brain tumor research. She LOVES those kiddo’s and cannot wait one day to be a grandma 🙂 Our family cannot thank the doctors and nurses at Barnes Jewish and Siteman Cancer Center, Dr Gavin Dunn, Dr. Anastas, and the nurses in the OR, 10400 and 11300 at Barnes for their compassion during the most difficult time of our family’s lives. We have made it a family tradition to run and walk in the race and our team continues to grow. Annette’s Husband Al (in picture) also retired after her diagnosis and they have been busier than ever keeping up with their two adult sons Adam and Aaron (and girlfriend Nikki), dog Lacy, granddogs Lilly and Aspen, traveling, working-out, and cherishing all the time spend with family and friends. Thank you to the love and support of all of our family and friends in the race and WE PRAY FOR A CURE!