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Keeping the Faith




Archana was diagnosed with a glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) brain tumor just over 3 years and 3 months ago, shortly after her 37th birthday. This was not her first battle with cancer; however, it certainly was a more serious adversary. The diagnosis was a shock and caught everyone off guard. While others searched the Internet filled with scary statistics, Archana was protected from the news to keep her focused on the task at hand… which is exactly what she did. After a few days of processing, she started asking questions that showed she had the proper attitude to do whatever was in her power to fight the best fight. She trusted her team of doctors at Baylor to do their part and then she did her part: exercised the best she could, focused on eating healthy foods, and followed her doctors’ directions to the letter. Since completing her treatment she has spoken to several others diagnosed with the horrid GBM, giving them inspiration and hope. She embraced that every person is special, every person’s body reacts differently, and every person has a fighting chance. Since the surgery she has experienced a change in attention span and analytic abilities. She was let go from her accounting job and went on permanent disability. Her reaction to these events is, “It is the best thing that ever happened,” referring to the circumstances and not the cancer, of course. “Now I walk dogs, get lots of exercise, and meet lots of wonderful people at networking and volunteer events like Head for the Cure and White Rock Dog Rescue. My clients [the dogs] are always happy to see me!” Archana just turned 40 this past January. [She’s going to give me an evil look for making that public, but bear with me.] It is music to my ears when she complains of sore knees from walking so much. Sometimes we misplace something and search for it only to later find it sitting in plain sight. Why am I happy? Because we are growing old together and I am thrilled to share that with her. Go Archana!