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Keeping the Faith


Ashley Danielle


Submitted by:
Andrea Duenas

I nominate my good friend and co-worker Ashley Danielle Lyles for keeping the faith award. Ashley, a Chicago attorney, a native from Kentucky, a UK alum and huge UK Wildcats fan, is one of the most inspiring persons I have ever met. From the moment I met her, I knew we would be great friends. She has a very outgoing personality that you can’t help but love! In December 2015, Ashley complained of severe headaches. She was quickly diagnosed with having a Grade IV glioblastoma tumor. At Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, Ashley underwent surgery and a round of chemotherapy and radiation. Through it all, Ashley has remained positive and strong. Not once have I heard her ask “why me?” Instead, she states she is “up for the challenge” and she’s “ready to fight this!” She truly is a special person that I am honored to call my friend! She is a beautiful person inside and out. Ashley is an asset to this world and she is so deserving of keeping the faith award because through her fight with cancer, she has continued to keep her faith strong! Sincerely, Andrea Duenas