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Keeping the Faith




Submitted by:
Danny Riley

Weird smells and strange feelings of de ja vu. That’s how it all started for Beverly Riley in December of 2017. She mentioned her symptoms to her primary care doctor that month and an MRI was ordered, just to rule out anything serious. It was serious. In January 2018, the MRI showed a 7cm mass on her right temporal lobe. Beverly and her husband Danny went home and told their four kids and her mom that things looked really scary. But they all trusted that God would take care of them. And He has. Her neurosurgeon recommended “debulking” surgery. It would not remove all of the mass. But it was still the best course and would allow testing on the mass. Beverly had her surgery on February 8, 2018. During her surgery, she had a stroke, which resulted in a total loss of mobility on the left side of her body. It was confirmed later that Beverly did have brain cancer. A grade 2 diffuse astrocytoma. She went through a year of chemotherapy. Her most recent tests are showing that all is stable, so she is primarily focusing on her stroke recovery. Her medical journey has been expertly and compassionately handled through all of this. All through the amazing people at Orlando Health. From her surgeon Dr Hirschl and the doctors and nurses and therapists at Orlando Health Regional Medical Center. To Dr Nick and his team at Orlando Health UF Health Cancer Center. To her incredible therapists at Orlando Health Outpatient Rehab. And her neurologist Dr Klafter. They have been like family to her. And her family and friends have been with her every step of the way. Beverly and Danny have never felt alone. Beverly has made great progress, but she still has a long way to go. She has held tight to her faith. She has encouraged many people with her amazing joy and determination. “Side By Side, We are Strong” is her anthem. Beverly’s friends and family and medical team make her stronger. Her testimony and faith encourages others and makes them stronger.