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Keeping the Faith




Submitted by:
Gale Fennell

Bratton was diagnosed with a Grade 4 GBM tumor in early March 2017. He sought treatment at MD Anderson that included removing the tumor and 6 weeks of radiation and chemo. After completing treatment at MD Anderson he returned to work full-time. While continuing his chemo for a full year he quickly resumed a more strenuous exercise regiment with the goal of getting back to his pre-cancer routine of running and working out daily. In addition to the standard of care Bratton adopted a regimented diet of high fats and extremely low carbs plus protein, commonly known as the ketogentic diet. Additionally, he takes a few supplements purported to help prevent the return of cancer. While there is no scientific evidence to support the diet and supplements as a compliment to the standard of care, Bratton is now almost 24 months post diagnosis and continues to get “clean” MRIs. While he cannot drive and has recently had to step down from his position as Chief Financial Officer at a large Real Estate Investment Trust, he has otherwise maintained a very high quality of life. Bratton has always kept the Christian faith but one of the most notable qualities of his recovery has been a deepened spiritual practice that combines weekly church services with daily meditation and prayer. His outlook is so positive that he has been an inspiration to countless GBM patients, their caregivers, and even a multitude of those who have not been intimately affected by this disease. GBM patients frequently reach out to Bratton for encouragement and support while they struggle through their own treatments as they identify with the manner in which he has turned this horrific experience into something positive…an opportunity to provide love and emotional support to the GBM family and live each day with deep gratitude and presence. Bratton has always been a role model to anyone who knows him but even in the midst of his own struggle he continues to inspire in a new and profound way.