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Keeping the Faith




Submitted by:
Patti Simmons

Brecken is five years old. On April 1st of this year, he had a CT due to some headaches and vomiting that he had over the weekend. I knew it was something we had to get checked out, but never thought the doctor would call and say that we needed a MRI later in the day. He was diagnosed with a Grade II Glioma (Diffuse Astrocytoma). Because of the tumor’s location, it is inoperable. The plan for now is 12 months of chemo, once a month alternating between oral and infusion. Brecken is quite a kid. We adopted him from Russia at the age of 13 months. He has quite a spirit. Everyone knows when Brecken is in the clinic or inpatient. He is very social and won’t stay in his room. He usually makes papers with his name and stickers on it and gives them to the nurses and doctors. He has a heart for others. If he hears of someone not feeling good or we pass an accident on the highway, he will stop and pray. He prays multiple times throughout the day and doesn’t care who is around to hear his prayers. Doctors and nurses have stopped what they are doing…when a five year old says “we need to pray”, that’s what you do. He knows that he has a tumor in his head that we are “fighting”. He really has been a trooper through it all. He has had some surgical complications and has only had three rounds of chemo, so far. He will start Kindergarten this month and he is really looking forward to school.