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Keeping the Faith




I would like to nominate my Husband Brian Godawski.

Brian and I were married on November 3, 2012. Twenty- seven days later would change our lives forever. We were in the process of moving in with his parents to save money to buy our first home. Brian packed his Dad’s truck to take a load over to his parent’s house. I was talking with him on the phone when he told me that he felt dizzy and needed to pull over. The next thing I hear is him screaming and the truck flipping. I was unable to get him on the phone and could hear a voice on the other end stating that they needed to pull him out of the car. I frantically called 911 and found out where they had transported Brian after the wreck. I pulled into the hospital not knowing if my husband was dead or alive. Brian’s first of many miracles happened this day. He would have normally been driving his small car but was in a large truck that helped protect him. He cleared three lanes of traffic on Hwy 121, flipped the truck three times ,and hit a concrete embankment. He didn’t hit any cars during rush hour, and came out of the wreck with a small bump on his head, a sprained pinky finger, and soreness. I later found out just after the wreck that he had a seizure which caused the accident. A few hours and a few tests later, it was discovered that Brian had a brain tumor which caused his seizure. This was a shock to me and our family because he is a very healthy 26 year old man. He underwent a biopsy that determined that he had a grade 2 astrocytoma. Because of the location of the tumor the doctors determined they would not be able to remove it all without causing damage. We decided to not have surgery and monitor the tumor. He is currently in a research program that is working on developing a new drug that will help beat this horrible cancer. Brian is back at work and has been preparing for the 5K in May. Brian is a strong, compassionate, hardworking man that never gives up. His positive attitude, sweet spirit, and outlook on life impacts everyone that comes in contact with him. I thank God for all of the miracles our family has had and will continue to have. Brian inspires me everyday to be a better person and continues to be positive during this battle. I feel that the world needs to know about my hero and how amazing he is. I hope his story inspires everyone to be positive and to have faith. I know my life wouldn’t be complete without him, and I am thankful to be his wife. We are both excited to be apart of Head For The Cure race this May!