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Keeping the Faith

Mom pic



Submitted by:
M. Musick

My mom Cheryl Musick was diagnosed with GBM on January 24th, 2014. She is such an amazing woman. She has had many hurdles in the fight for this battle against this disease. Her tumor was resected on January 29th, 2014. After which she is endured intense chemo and radiation therapy. She then had a mini stroke, eye surgery and intense rehabilitation to strengthen her mind and body in order to regain her mobility and strength. This diagnosis was a complete shock to her and our entire family. We stand by her side at every appointment, surgery and event to show her our support. She has never faltered since beginning this battle with GBM. Maybe her 38+years as an elementary school teacher helped her develop resilience to bounce back after a long day. 🙂 We love our mom and the photo I have attached is her main caregiver, my father Terry. He too has been the number one support system for my mother. No one expects to spend your retirement together fighting cancer, but honestly these two with there humor make it an adventure everyday. We use a lot of humor in life now more so than ever. We laugh more at things that you never really thought you would EVER laugh at, and it has brought us close as a family if that is possible. My mom is so strong, she smiles and laughs even on the bad days. She never complains. People who see her honestly say that they would never know that he is fighting this battle. This is largely due to her amazing outlook and positive attitude. I am nominating my mother for this because she has never fallen from fighting this battle and when a new issue presents itself she takes it head on. She is a loving caring person that deserves to be recognized for her battle and continued support in finding a cure for this disease. Her family is right behind her in the battle for a cure and we love her dearly. Go mom! * June 9, 2015 we began to honor the memory of Cheryl.