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Keeping the Faith




Submitted by:
Allie Montgomery

Last year my dad nominated me for this award, to my great surprise. This year it’s my turn. Surprise! At last years Metro KC event I was about nine months cancer-free and my dad participated as one of my biggest supporters. This year we’re celebrating twenty-four years cancer free! My dad and I have talked about the personal life-change that a brain cancer diagnosis was for him. He’s told me of the ways it made him want to be a man defined by kindness, gentleness, selflessness and most of all faithfulness. He underwent surgery to remove his meningioma in 1994 in Topeka. I was two years old at the time and had no idea the miracle that was taking place. A miracle I would later cling to as a great sense of hope. Some outsiders may think that because he didn’t have radiation or chemotherapy his journey requires less faith, but we know that’s not true. He faithfully walked forward in a life of uncertainty and fear with strength and peace. He’s not just a blessing to our family because he’s a great man, but because of the lessons he allowed God to teach him during the tough times of being a cancer patient and survivor. Even though we’re years passed his last post-op follow-up and he’s no longer having regular MRI’s, my dad continues to maintain the same strong faith that there is an end to this disease! Over the course of the last two years he’s turned his focus on learning all he can about my diagnosis and supporting cancer research whole-heartedly. He doesn’t just keep the faith strong regarding his own health, but for all those around him who are afflicted. He demonstrates vigor and urgency to fund and support research for brain cancer now more than ever before. While researchers still haven’t been able to find a solid genetic component to brain cancers, I know that keeping the faith during a journey this scary is something that was passed down to me. I am as strong as I am because of the example he set in keeping the faith. Love you, Poppa!