Have you ever met someone that has such an infectious personality, you laugh every time you’re together? Someone that knows no stranger & provides unwavering support? Someone that inspires you to be a better person because of the special light they generously share with the world? Yup—That’s Corey Czmiel. Corey loves hard & his tenacious drive extends to all areas of his life: Work, loved ones, strangers, & delivering the best dad jokes. So it’s no surprise that 2018 was a home-run year for Corey. He married the love of his life surrounded by his closest family and friends, traveled to several parts of Europe on an adventurous honeymoon, got nestled into a dream home with his wife Kim, & continued to climb his professional latter with a much-deserved promotion. Continuing the momentum into 2019, Corey & Kim shared they were expecting their first child! The world gets a tiny human combo of Corey and his equally-amazing wife?! Yes please! And then it happened. Life decided to throw a curve ball reminder of its finite fragility. In early July 2019, Corey suffered a seizure in his sleep and woke to the news that he had an Astrocytoma brain tumor. How?! How could the healthy, active, comical, soon-to-be-dad we all know & love receive such a diagnosis? Hearts sank, stomachs turned, tears flowed, & thoughts spiraled. However, in true Corey fashion, he turned his thoughts & actions to optimism, gratitude & determination & encouraged all others to do the same. In his own words, “The next steps are to be determined. My hope is that the outlook remains bright & I, Corey Czmiel, am able to make a meaningful & lasting impression on the world.” Corey is early on in his fight with brain cancer & the road to recovery is an uncertain journey. But two things are certain: 1.If anyone can overcome this, it’s Corey Czmiel, & 2.He’s not alone. He has a team fighting with him & a personal dugout filled with loved one’s cheering him on as he knocks this curve ball out of the park!