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Keeping the Faith




Submitted by:
Janet Gillespie

In May, 2009, my daughter, Danielle Gillespie was returning home from her third day of Nursing School. While driving, she suffered a seizure. At the hospital, an MRI showed a brain tumor in her right temporal lobe. One week later, she had a successful surgery at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit to remove a Grade IV Glioblastoma. Soon after, she began her 30 treatments of Radiation and one year of Chemo treatments. She did all of this with a positive attitude and never complained while continuing plans for her wedding, taking care of her 20 month old daughter and going to work! 13 years later she is a SURVIVOR. She is currently an RN, wife and busy Mom of two daughters!! She has been an inspiration to all including many brain tumor patients all over the world. With support from her Family and Friends, she continues to “Keep the Faith!”