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Keeping the Faith




I am proudly nominating my sister Denise Horton for the Keeping the Faith Award. What started as double vision lead the Doctors to discover a stage 2 brain tumor. Days later she was in a surgery that required her to stay awake to guide the doctors. She did great. Weeks later she was back in surgery due to an infection and had part of her skull removed. She finished weeks of IV antibiotics and headed in for her third surgery to have a plate put in. She now has trigeminal nerve damage and extreme cronic pain due to the back to back surgeries. She has even made a trip to Mayo in search of any help to get relief but no success. She has also completed her radiation but now suffers from the damage it caused to the muscles in her eye and is awaiting for surgery for that as well. Even after all of this, her faith in God has stayed firm and her inspiration to others is just amazing. She is married to her soul mate and has two awesome boys who have been by her side through it all and our Mom is her rock. Our Team Denise for the race is growing by leaps and bounds, a true testament as to how many lives she has touched throughout her journey. She is truly deserving of this award. She continues to fight the fight and she WILL win!