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Keeping the Faith




I have known Dessaray all of my life. Our mothers were best friends. On May 5, 1999 Pamela Mead Dessaray’s mother passed from a Metastatic Melanoma and Brain Metastases. This tragedy took place 3 days before Dessaray’s birthday and 4 days before mother’s day and while Dessaray was 6 months pregnant with her youngest daughter. Dessaray took care of her ill mother from day one until she passed. Dessaray is one of the strongest and bravest people I have ever known. In 2010 Dessaray’s world was changed once again when she learned that she had the same brain tumor her mother had passed from. I have watched Dessaray fight the fight while in treatment, surgeries, and more treatments all while being a single mom to her children. She smiles and stays positive when most would crumble. If anyone is due this amazing award of ‘Keeping the FAITH” it is DESSARAY MEAD. Please keep her in your considerations for this years recognition. We will be running the 5k event in Seattle in July! Thank you for your time and consideration.