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Keeping the Faith




Submitted by:
Rachel Reed

If anyone deserves a “Keeping the Faith” award, Diane Reed most certainly does! At the time when she was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2012, Diane was very successful – very busy – paralegal for well-known, and respected family law firm in Austin. Diane has helped countless families over the years as they struggled through the trauma and upheaval divorce and custody battles can cause, as well as confusing legal documents and procedures. And she was really good at it! Part of what made her so good in this role is her ability to befriend and connect with others, as well as her giving spirit. She was always willing to lend a sympathetic ear, which was often what her clients needed more than anything – someone to believe in them. Then the unthinkable happened. In May 2012, we were all enjoying a quiet evening at home. I was living with Diane and my dad at the time, along with my 3 year old daughter. Around 10pm, my dad called an ambulance after Diane experienced a major seizure. By the time EMS arrived, she had had another and was nearly unconscious. The discovery of an Oligodendroglioma brain tumor that had consumed 2.5 inches of brain matter in her prefrontal cortex prompted immediate surgery. She then underwent a full year of chemotherapy and all of the pain and difficulties that brings. Now, I am happy to say Diane will be celebrating her 6th anniversary of being cancer-free! She is a shining example of what it is to be a survivor – and a keeper of faith.