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Keeping the Faith




Submitted by:
Lisa, Giulian, Gemma and Perla

At the age of 33, Dominic suffered a grand mal seizure in his sleep. Within an hour, we learned that he had a golf ball size mass in his brain. The diagnosis was brain cancer, a Grade II Glioma. Surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy followed, all while he regained the use of the right side of his body. Dominic continued to help parent his 3 young children and he returned to full time work, just 3 months post-surgery. He completed 6 additional rounds of chemotherapy while balancing work and family commitments.

Dominic has set an amazing example for all that know him. He never seems to feel sorry for himself or ask “why me”, he simply rolls with the punches. When his wife faced her own medical crisis, he was there to support and encourage her throughout her recovery and rehabilitation. Having gone through his own diagnosis, he completely understood and became her fierce ally.

Today Dominic continues to work full time, spend time with his family, travel, attend rock concerts, and pursue his passion for music. He has recently added live musician to his resume. It’s great to see him following his dreams and enjoying life!