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Keeping the Faith



Submitted by:
Abbey Mattson

It will be one year tomorrow that we learned of my dad’s diagnosis. GBM. He had been the rock, the stronghold, the patriarch of our family and to see a weakness, true fear and the unknown creep over him was terrifying to his family. But that didn’t last long. After the removal of the tumor, he completed 6 weeks of radiation 5 days a week. He has done one week of chemo per month since then. After completing the radiation, he was accepted into the Optune family. He wears his unit religiously. Throughout all of this, he has continued to work as a principal for his company. He travels pretty regularly for them. He has become an expert with airport security and his Optune unit. As a result of his success with the Optune treatment, the manufacture of Optune, has asked him to be an ambassador for the apparatus. This means he travels a little to attend Optune seminars through out the U.S. as he’s needed to to speak about his success with the treatment. Earlier this month he went to Washington, D.C. to attend a congressional hearing encouraging the government to keep Optune affordable and available for Medicare patients. Yesterday, he received the results of his 5th MRI post radiation with no sign of tumor or cancer. Like I started with, I always looked at my dad as the strong one of the family. Little did I know that he was so much stronger than I could have ever anticipated. I don’t believe that everything happens for a reason, but I do believe that whatever happens in life…make the most of what you can. He has defined that for me. Ask anyone who has known my dad for years & they will tell you he’s a pretty reserved & quiet guy. GBMs can be known to alter one’s personality a bit. If it’s done any altering of my dad, it’s made him more chatty. That’s what he’s made the most out of this…using his voice to educate others, to be the face of Optune and this terrible disease, but now he gets to show everyone else what I already knew…how amazingly strong he really is.