Flo is a Gray Matters Foundation “Brain Buddie” who jumped right in to help and give back. She is one of my biggest fans. Flo is not shy about telling anyone and everyone about Gray Matters. Flo is a giving soul and was eager to give back and help others. She felt she was beating something meant to beat her, and it will not win! She is 11 years out with GBM and after receiving a few cards and goodies from Gray Matters it was clear she wanted to do the same & became one of our official volunteers. Flo was in the Army as both active duty and reserves from 1971 to 1998 for 27 years. In October of 2009, she had a bad headache and as it got worse, her neurologist told her to go to ER. She arrived at Phoenix Baptist Hospital, and a diagnosis of a brain tumor was confirmed by CT/MRI and surgery was set for the next day. 5-days later the lab confirmed glioblastoma multiform Stage 4. As of October 2020, she has been an 11- year survivor and her participation in Gray Matters Foundation has been and shall always be a blessing to all. Flo has been an amazing supporter and Brain Buddie. She has made and sent out over 500 cards to the brain tumor community. She has donated time taking photos for events we participate in and she has committed to keep scrap books for all to see and learn about the foundation. Here is what someone said who received one of her cards, “I just received a package of cards and a book of stamps from a friend Flo met at an appointment at St Joe’s. She wrote me a personal note and sent me 20 cards and stamps to cover the cost to mail them.” She has rallied her husband Paul (or “what’s his face”, as he likes to call himself) to get involved as well. We are so fortunate that they are able to contribute in so many ways to Gray Matters Foundation. Way to go Flo you are our ONE! You are one OUTSTANDING BUDDIE!