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Keeping the Faith




Mom was diagnosed with Stage IV Gliobastoma Multiforme on July 3, 2014. Her symptoms started this summer with headaches that would not go away. Mom didn’t think much of it so she didn’t do anything about it. Then the week of June 23 mom started getting sick, for 2 days she could not keep anything down. She went to the doctor thinking she had the stomach flu. The doctor told her that if she could go home and hydrate she would feel better in a few days. She said she had tried for 2 days so she needed another option. He then told her that he could admit her to the hospital for IV fluids and while she was there some tests could be run. After her CT scan showed what the doctor thought might have been signs of a stroke, he then ordered an MRI. On June 23 got the news that it was in fact a brain tumor the size of an egg on her right temporal lobe and we would be meeting with a neurosurgeon the next morning. The family prayed all night for answers on what to do and when the neurosurgeon walked in Friday morning, we all knew he was the man for the job. He was confident that he could do the biopsy and while he was in there remove as much of the tumor as possible and he did. He removed 98% of the tumor, but the biopsy revealed our fear that it was in fact Stage IV GBM. Mom said she was going to fight this no matter what. So we immediately started looking in to where to take her to get the best care possible. She was accepted as a patient at Duke’s Brain Tumor facility in early August. She was started on a 6 week treatment program of chemo and radiation. By race day she will have completed 5 weeks of treatments. She has remained so strong and positive throughout this process. She has much to live for. She is the mother of 4, grandmother of 2 (soon to be 4 since my sister is having twins!). She continues to say she will fight this and “God is driving this bus and I’m just a passenger”. My friend Angel started our team in mom’s honor, No Speed Limit for Francine!