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Keeping the Faith

Geoff nomination, Lake Tahoe



I am nominating my son-in-law Geoff Dahl for the Keeping the Faith Award because he continually shouts “YES!” to life! He has a type of glioma called an astrocytoma, yet it does not define who Geoff is and his attitude towards life. I have observed him continually “keeping the faith” as he walks on this journey and shouts “YES!” to life. Three years ago, he shouted “YES!” to life in asking for our daughter’s hand in marriage, and we all were thrilled. They married several months later as they both shouted “YES!” to life, God, and each other! In his spare time, Geoff worked tirelessly in repairing and remodeling an older home they bought as they both embraced life and their future together. Again, in July of 2013, Geoff shouted “YES!” to life as he bravely underwent brain surgery to remove much of the tumor. As he recovered from surgery, he continued to keep the faith in his smile and perseverance. He also continued to serve others as he weekly prepared and led a Bible study for men in his home, encouraging them in their own walk of faith. After everyone in his company’s division recently lost their jobs, Geoff shouted”YES!” to life as he began without complaining the task of job interviewing and hunting, while juggling his own health. Last month, he and his wife sat in the oncologist’s office, discussing tumor changes on Geoff’s MRI and the need to consider more treatment. Just seven days later, Geoff and his wife were once again at a doctor’s office staring at another machine. He again shouted “YES!” to life as he watched an ultrasound image of their unborn baby moving and sucking her thumb. As he runs today to raise awareness and funds for brain cancer research, Geoff shouts “YES!” to future cures and those scientists who do the research. In these and so many, many other ways, Geoff Dahl clearly demonstrates to a watching world his desire to keep on “keeping the faith” as he shouts “YES!” to life and all who will hear him!