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Keeping the Faith

Horalia Salazar



Submitted by:
Christine Salazar

My mother was diagnosed in May 2014 with astrocytoma stage 4 she went thru a brain surgery that same month to remove the tumor she had. Within 5 months her tumor was back in October 2014 she was undergoing her second brain surgery which brought shock to our family and her friends. Since then she undergo chemo and radiation went thru the whole process of her hair falling and losing weight. She then had a episode of a seizure after her second brain surgery which scared us even more since we had never witnessed anything like that before. Doctors recommended the chemo and radiation had not worked due to the growth of it coming back in october 2014 so we let go of that. Her hair has since grown back although her memory comes and goes. Her communication in speaking and thinking is not so well she has continued with both physical and speech therapy which we have began to see some improvements. My mother continues to fight this battle with God by her side she is not alone she and I have both given our everything to the lord and continue to trust in him. My mother is now continuing a new study Vaccine vb111 with doctor Brenner at the CTRC center we have witnessed it working for her she goes every 2 weeks and spends most her time in appointments for blood work mri’s and therapies but we have not lost hope. She has also been on steroids which is part of the study it has made her gain weight and gives her mood swings as a side effect. I still believe that one day she will just wake up one day and be herself. It has been a roller coaster from ups to downs but I just want to let you know Never lose hope and keep up your faith.