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Keeping the Faith




Submitted by:
Kathy Gibson

My sister, Jan Kanan was diagnosed with a glioblastina in January, 2011. A few short weeks later (and 2 weeks before her 50th birthday) she endured an awake craniotomy with her positive attitude still intact. From the moment she was diagnosed, nothing shook her optimism that she would beat this. She was back at work (as an accountant) 3 short weeks after having a Stage 4 Glio removed…because “it’s tax season.” To say she triumphed through this is a complete understatement. The first signs of frustration or sadness came when she learned that she did not qualify for a clinical trial. The pain and the tears were not for herself personally, but towards the idea that if she had to go through this, why couldn’t her journey help contribute to someone else’s cure. Her biggest relief came from discovering she could be an Imerman Angel which she has done for the past 5 years. As an Angel, she has and continues to mentor numerous people through their treatments, and watching as others bright lights have faded. Jan continues to be an inspiration to everyone around her and even on her forgetful days she proudly claims…”what do you expect from someone with only a half a brain”?