Jason is a GBM survivor diagnosed while on a family vacation in New England, July 2016. He had surgery, chemo, radiation and has been wearing Optune now for over 2 years. In May 2018 a new tumor appeared so back to daily chemo pills. The tumor is shrinking but the family fights a daily battle dealing with the disease. It is hard to stay positive day in and day out. His wife and 2 daughters have been very supportive and they are his driving force. Jason continues to work his full time job traveling all over the southeast meeting with customers and working trade shows. He has set up a web site gbmtraveler.com which he hopes will help and inspire others who are dealing with this disease. He also participated in the 5K for Brain cancer awareness every year in New Smyrna Beach Florida. He continues to inspire all who meet him with his strength, determination and positive attitude.
Nominated By Karin Mulcahy
Jason was diagnosed with Glioblastoma in July of 2016 while we were away visiting family in Massachusetts. At the time we had been living our dream of living in Florida. We had moved our family from NH in 2012 and moved into our new home with our girls in 2013. We were just feeling settled and all was “right” in our world. We had no indication that Jason had cancer. He was a healthy guy in his early forties and we had no reason to think that the focal seizure he had experienced that summer day in July was an indication of a disease we had vaguely heard of. The days that followed his seizure all became a blur. After his surgery, we received word from the surgeon that he had Glioblastoma and we were told he had a life expectancy of 15 months. We spent many days crying and trying to figure out how to tell our girls. With the support of our family and friends we made it thru the darkest days. We returned back to Florida emotionally, physically and mentally drained not knowing what the future held for Jason and our family. As days turned into weeks, we rallied together to find the strength to find answers, to find doctors that could give Jason the best care and to find hope. I can’t say that it was easy but after being with Jason since our college days we knew how to join forces and rally. This is just us. During this time we read many sad stories about others who fought but lost the battle but then we read one story about a man who had been living with Glioblastoma for 19 years. He said to never give up and don’t stop living because if he had listened to the diagnosis he was given he would’ve missed out on 19 years of living. The past 3 1/2 years we’ve chosen to hold onto those words we read… hold onto hope. Jason is more courageous than anyone I’ve ever met. He’s never let this disease tear him down. He works everyday, he’s an amazing dad and a loving husband. He’s an inspiration to so many and we’re so lucky to have him in our lives.
Nominated by Michelle Mulcahy