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Keeping the Faith

Jay Loucks Pic



As the code official for the City of Dallas, Jay has affected so many in NorthTX.He has shared his knowledge with not only installation companies, but also with surrounding cities’ officials.How Jay interprets life safety,becomes how all cities interpret and implement it.He freely shares his wisdom with the industry through free presentations,spends endless hours giving one on one time to people to improve their understanding of life saving fire codes, and he sets the standard for the entire State on how to implement new code revisions in his great city.When I first started my fire alarm company in 2009, I had so much to learn.When I would struggle with code requirements in surrounding cities,I knew that one city official knew the correct answer and would spent the few minutes it took to share that information with me,even though it did not pertain to his city at all.I would take his answers,show them to whichever city I was doing the job in,and every time,that official would see his name on the response and agree immediately to his comments.I cannot tell you enough how those emails saved me from complete failure.They also played a huge part in the reform of surrounding cities’ code requirements,contributing to making every building safer in all of NorthTX.He is remarkable in so many ways and has helped hundreds of people perform their projects correctly,in turn,creating a safer city for us all.If you have ever been in a building in Dallas,then you have been protected,and possibly saved from a fire by Jay Loucks.We all own him our gratitude for his service to our community.Through his battle with brain cancer, he has inspired everyone around him to never give up.Jay has refused to let brain cancer stop his community outreach efforts,continuing to help his industry understand life safety code.When asked if there was a way I could help him financially,he refused to accept anything except donations to research and support of HFTCNTX.His selflessness continues.Amazing!