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Keeping the Faith

Jen and boys Oct 2014



Submitted by:
Liz Panos

Jennifer, at 37 years old, was DX with IBC HER2 positive on February 14, 2013 she underwent extensive treatment, chemo, radiation, mastectomy, complete hysto, was declared cancer free in May 2015. The fateful day came on 6/19/2016 when she was admitted to Sierra where they found 3 malignant brain tumors. She under went Gamma knife treatment. unfortunately tumors are still hanging on though smaller! More treatment will be needed. At the end of September they found 3 tumors on her liver, she is currently undergoing chemo. Jennifer is a principle at Canyon Middle School, married with 3 young children. She is such a warrior, never giving up, fighting for every day. She hardly ever misses any work. She is the best role model not only for young women, but for all. She is so dedicated to her children, treasures every day that she has with family. She has done several inspirational videos and presentations. She is a true inspiration to all. Please contact her and hear her story for yourself. Her phone number is 915-667-2304 Thank you so much for all you are doing!