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Keeping the Faith




Jenn was diagnosed with oligodendroglioma on the eve of her and her husband Nate’s departure to China to live as missionaries. The cancer diagnosis stopped those plans in their tracks but didn’t stop Jenn’s infectious faith in and love for God and others. Jenn has continued to live as a servant of Christ in our community since her diagnosis and throughout her courageous battle. The tumor was inoperable, so Jenn began the grueling Chemo regiment required for this tumor and kept the faith and prayed and the tumor shrank and then disappeared from her scans. However, just weeks after discontinuing her chemo for brain cancer, Jenn fell ill again and was diagnosed with Lymphoma, thus the battle began anew and Jenn perservered, never waivering in her faith or losing her loving heart of care for others above herself. Finally, about 6 months ago, Jenn beat Lymphoma and was deemed cancer free. We all rejoiced with her. Until a scan 2 months ago revealed some changes in her brain, and a scan 2 weeks ago confirmed the brain tumor was back and the cycle begins again for Jenn and her husband Nate and all of her family and friends on this journey with her. Jenn’s strength and courage in the face of this heavy trial are nothing short of inspiring. Her ability to love others and give of herself in spite of the hardships she is facing is miraculous and evidence of Jesus inside her. She’s a beautiful person, inside and out. Its an honor to be her friend, and I feel she deserves the honor of this award. 


Jennifer Lienau lost her courageous fight with brain cancer on April 4, 2014