In 2008 Jered was a junior in high school and was playing football. He received multiple concussions which required an MRI. A spot was discovered in his brain that was to be a cortical displasia from birth. So the decision was made to continue to monitor this condition. Then in 2010 while he was studying Business at Texas A & M, the MRI showed the spot had grown. Many prayers were lifted up on Jered’s behalf and pastors laid hands on him before leaving for surgery. So Jered went to Memphis Tennessee where the Neurosurgeons at Le Bonheur performed the surgery to remove the spot. Jered came through the surgery wonderfully well and the doctors said they had gotten a gross total resection. However a few weeks later the biopsy showed that it was brain cancer…. an oligodendroglioma. At that point Jered went to M D Anderson for treatment where he was prescribed a chemo pill called Temodor which he took monthly for two years while he attended university. In spite of this Jered graduated with a Masters Degree in Business Administration from Texas A & M in 2014! Whoop! All of his checkups continued to be good until August of 2015. His Oncologist had since moved to the NIH in Bethesda so the decision was made to follow him there. Jered had another brain surgery at the NIH in August of 2015. The surgery was successful and Jered had followup radiation for 6 weeks then another round of chemo for 6 months. Through all of this Jered has remained positive, hopeful and is a beautiful example to many! Since 2015 Jered has had many blessings in his life. He works as a Landman in his hometown. He met and married the love of his life Kristen in 2016. And just two months ago he became a father! He and Kristen were blessed with a beautiful baby boy named Brooks! God continues to smile on Jered! Blessed!