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Keeping the Faith

Jeremy and Girls



Submitted by:
Bobbi Payne

Jeremy is an active 39 yr. old young man who has been dealt the challenge of his life. Jeremy & his young family traveled to Ohio in Aug. 2018 to visit family and celebrate his in-laws 50th wedding anniversary. Jeremy became ill and was taken to the ER where a mass was found on his brain. The devastating diagnosis after surgery was Stage 4 Glioblastoma. Jeremy is and continues to be a strong, positive, hardworking, loving & caring family man and is determined not to be defined by this disease. Above all else, Jeremy cherishes his time with his young family. Athletically inclined he enjoys working out and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, golf, football and now softball. Jeremy coaches his young daughters fast pitch softball team and supports his community in any way possible. His positive attitude, determination and compassion serve as an exemplary example to his family, friends and community. Jeremy is supported daily by his strong and loving wife Kelly and together they have tackled this challenge with great strength, courage, commitment and grace. I can safely say that I am so proud and blessed to have a son like Jeremy and that he and his young family bring so much joy and wonder to everyone they meet. While I live 1000 miles away from Jeremy, Kelly and the girls their amazing optimism and faith transcend the miles and keep us close in spirit. They are cherished and in our thoughts and prayers daily.