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Keeping the Faith




My dad (Jerry) who is now 65 got diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme stage 4 April 1st of 2013. He has fought a courageous battle working everyday, rarely complaining, and staying strong when most couldn’t. He had surgery May 28th (at MD Anderson) to remove the tumor they had first deemed inoperable, although they weren’t able to remove it all they removed a significant amount. Just a couple of months ago the MRI showed some growth and he is now back on chemo. Up until the age of 63 when Jerry was first diagnosed he had never had any medical issues, never been admitted to the hospital, and had never had surgery. His vision had started failing him when he visited the eye doctor and heard some bad news. The doctor told him he needed to go get a CT scan immediately. The results were devastating. To many people April 1st is a day of jokes and pranks to myself, my stepmom, and many relatives and friends it is a day that will change our lives forever. It is the day we learned first hand to never take a day, a moment, a second for granted. That was the day my dad began the fight of his life and he has been fighting ever since.