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Keeping the Faith




Submitted by:
LouAnn Holland

On March 23, 2018 I drove my then 29-year-old nephew to the emergency room in Bay City, MI. For months he’d complained of a headache that just wouldn’t go away. Within a few hours, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor, scheduled for shunt placement and biopsy at the same hospital, and his case at Henry Ford was initiated. A little over a year later, and he has proven his strength beyond measure. He made it through an extended ICU stay after a little bout of sepsis. He has fought influenza, pneumonia, hydrocephalus, made it through a handful of surgeries, a full round of radiation, and a few rounds of chemotherapy. I am constantly amazed by his strength, his faith, his perseverance, and above all, his courage to keep fighting. Joe has celebrated two birthdays since his diagnosis, two birthdays with cancer. He opted to donate part of his tumor to Hermelin Brain Tumor Center for research, so we have full confidence that we will someday celebrate cancer free birthdays. Our whole team has faith in Henry Ford Health System and are strong supporters of Head For The Cure.