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Keeping the Faith

March 2019



Submitted by:
Sabrena Haynes

December 2016 John woke his family having a seizure. It was quickly determined that he had a mass that needed to be removed. Two days later on a Sunday morning, at The Ohio State University, he underwent a 5 hour surgery. He spent 3 days in ICU, 3 days in a step down, had 36 treatments of radiation, 6 rounds of PCV and numerous MRIs. In October 2018 something showed on a routine MRI that doctors watched very closely over the next 3 months. It was then determined that John had a new mass that needed removed. He underwent surgery again the last day of February 2019. This pathology came back as a Glioblastoma Grade IV. John has joined a trial at OSU to receive a new drug Olaparib. John is hopeful he will have good results with the new medication and is not willing to give up. He will continue to fight as long as needed.