May 19, 2019 marked 1 year that Julie Love ran a 6.55 trail run in the hot, desert heat and ended up in the hospital later that day, paralyzed on her left side with a brain bleed. The diagnosis: Glioblastoma; the prognosis: terminal. Doctors originally gave Julie 14 months to live, as the cancer she has is one of the most aggressive there is. It takes whoever it can in its path, but Julie will hear nothing of it, she came out swinging from the get-go and hasn’t stopped since. Julie is strong in her faith and nothing less than the fiercest warrior I’m honored to know. She’s had brain swelling, she’s undergone brain surgery, she’s endured both chemotherapy and radiation therapy and she continues a monthly, 5-day course of oral chemotherapy and yet, she has NEVER given up hope. She’s been out there running, getting in every step she can, throughout this entire journey. Sometimes she’s just ornery and stubborn, taking a stand and refusing to let this horrible, unrelenting disease take control of her but she makes no excuses, not one. A diagnosis of this nature would be a good excuse for most, but not Julie. She’s completed a multitude of half marathons, 10k and 5k races since her diagnosis. Not even the excruciating desert heat keeps her away. I watch in awe of her determination and commitment and I feel honored to get to be there by her side to partake in these events, to support her, to cheer her in to the finish line and to call her my friend. Every medal she earns is a reminder that she is a blessing and a force to be reckoned with. I can’t even begin to express how blessed I am to call her a sole sister and a friend. Julie fights the good fight better than anyone I know and smiles the entire way. Julie, my sweet and beautiful friend, you are simply a miracle, a running /walking miracle, an inspiration like no other and I have so much love and admiration for you.