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Keeping the Faith




Submitted by:
Cheri Sparkman

In January of 2013, life threw Julie and her family a curve ball. While driving, Julie’s right hand felt tingly. She drove past the first exit to the hospital, but as the second exit came into view, she knew she was to go. Crossing 3 lanes of busy traffic, Julie parked in the parking lot and said to herself, ” Lord, is this really necessary?” The nurse in her kicked in and she told herself to say a sentence. Julie fumbled to get the keys out of the ignition and walked into the ER. She felt like the receptionist was asking her 10 questions at once and then told her to have a seat, that she would be with her is a second. The next thing that she remembers was waking up to IVs being placed in both hands and being told she had experienced a grand mal seizure! That curve ball brought her and her family to their knees, literally. The one word we all dread, Cancer, brain cancer, the most lethal form, Stage 4, you have approximately 14 months, get your things in order. Surgery removed all that was detected but the chances of it returning will always be there. Julie’s world consisted of radiation, chemo therapy, a trial study, and a team of Doctor appointments…14 months passed and the chemo fog began to lift. She finally started to feel again. Life as we know it has changed since being diagnosed three years ago, but Julie is still here gracing us with her loving personality! Julie shows immense strength while dealing with fatigue, speech difficulties, and frustrating memory issues daily. She continues to beat all odds and overcome debilitating challenges while continuing to volunteer weekly for her church, playing pickle ball at her local YMCA, and being princess Nana to her 3 year old ninja grandson. My family and I feel extremely blessed to have Julie as a part of our lives. She continues to be a living testament to others by keeping the faith through a tragic diagnoses.