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Keeping the Faith




I met Kaitly Slattery trough the Facebook-Low Grade Gliomas and I found that her story was very compelling and inspirational. On October 22, 2013 after graduating from college in April she has restless headaches so she decided to go to see her doctor. They did a MRI and found a tumor on her brainstem which is inoperable and with some lesions on other parts of the brain. Her tumor is more common in children and because of her age she cannot see a pediatric doctor. Now she is the road of different medicine and experiments to try to control her headaches. She will need to have MRIs to check the size of the tumor and to find out if it is not getting larger.
She has been a believer in Christ since she was 17 years old, but when you hear the word cancer it changes everything. She could either be angry at God for allowing her to have brain cancer, or she could choose to embrace the journey and know that God is always in control. From the first phone call that she had an abnormal MRI she chose to give this to God. Of course there were days when she was angry, upset, anxious and downright depressed but God has used her cancer to touch many people.
She has been taught that trough her cancer to acknowledge that life is so precious and so short. She still looking forward for the best treatments and more than anything else she is committed to defeat brain tumor and with the hope that someday we can find a cure for this devastating illness.
Let me close her story with a quote from Kaitlyn: “I want God to get all the glory and for His light to shine brighter than any light, even if that means losing my life. I have never had a stronger FAITH in Jesus than I do today. Of course, I wish I would’ve been transformed without having to have cancer but to see GOD work every day through it is a blessing in itself. God is good, and He will continue to orchestrate whatever is best for my life, no matter what the outcome”.