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Keeping the Faith




Submitted by:
Roger Fletcher

In April 2007, Kathryne Fletcher was a young mother getting ready for work while her husband Roger fed their five month old son, Brandon. In a moment, Kathryne’s life changed forever when she had a grand mal seizure that much later lead to a diagnosis of an anaplastic astrocytoma. Kathryne required two separate brain surgeries, one that April and one in July 2007. She experienced significant loss of motor function on her left side and even some memory loss. Despite the hardship and challenges of her situation and the intense radiation and chemotherapy, Kathryne did not give up. Each day she fought and maintained an attitude of optimism — cancer was not going to beat her. And it did not. She won that battle, and eventually heard the word that all those that have brain cancer long to hear — stable. Now Kathryne is one again fighting brain cancer after rediagnosis in 2016. She possesses an even greater strength to battle the anaplastic astrocytoma and is determined to rid cancer from her life for good. This March, Kathryne underwent laser ablation surgery to eliminate the growing cancer in her brain. While the surgery was successful, unexpected complications slowed her healing and interfered with Kathryne’s progress. Kathryne lives each day with an attitude of optimism and humor. She does not complain or feel sorry for herself. She understands that each day brings its own challenges and opportunities, and despite the setbacks, Kathryn fights on, determined to once again beat cancer — for her husband, her son, and herself.