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Keeping the Faith




Submitted by:
Austin collins

Kelley found out at the tendor age of 23 she has stage 3 anapalastic astrocytoma all while she was 13 weeks pregnant with our baby girl and a little boy at home. Kelley had her first brain surgery December 2nd 2016 to have a shunt placed and biopsy done. On December 12th 2016 she was told the results she dreaded the most….Cancer. Surgery was scheduled for December 28th to remove as much as the tumor on the left side while she was pregnant. They removed a total of 80% leaving 20% left. Kelley then went on to carry pur daughter until 37 weeks delivering a healthy baby girl named Kelstin on April 26th 2017. In July of 2017 Kelley started chemo (Temodar) and 28 rounds of radiation. With a newborn and 3 year old she fought every day to give them the best life possible. September 2017 Kelley had a mri scan done which showed the tumors had shrank alot. Now Kelley still takes temodar every month and has a mri every 3 months. I nominate Kelley because she is the definition of inspiration, strong, incredible and love. I have never met a women that would give her own life to give her daughter a fighting chance. Thank you for your time.