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Keeping the Faith




When Kevon was just 15 years old he began having headaches and after many doctor visits they found out he had a tumor on his brainstem. On October 16th, Kevon had surgery to remove a majority of the tumor and about a month later it was confirmed that Kevon did in fact have stage 4 Brain Cancer. They waited until Kevon got a bit stronger and was out of the ICU to inform him of the news and then began the fight of his LIFE. He has had many milestones since he was knocked down by this terrible cancer….learning to swollow, walk and all those things many of us take for granted. We celebrated Kevon’s SWEET 16 with him in a rehabilitation center and it was truly an awesome day to just see that smile on his face. As of today he has finished Radiation and has now moved on to Chemotherapy which he recieves once a week in between all sorts of therapy and school. His Mom has NEVER EVER once left his side and continues to be his rock through it all. Kevon is an absolutely AMAZING young man and is putting up an amazing fight and it seems his fight might be working as the last scan he had about a week ago shows the tumor is becoming a mear shadow. Myself and our entire family are just so incredibly proud of him and we are honored to have such a strong young man be apart of our family. Kevon is indeed our HERO and he deserves to be recognized for his strength and determination. So today I nominate my cousin KEVON KAYLOR!!!!