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Keeping the Faith



Kim went to the Emergency Room on New Year’s Eve with a headache and vague visual disturbances. An MRI showed a mass/tumor. She was transferred to Kansas University Medical Center where she underwent a craniotomy and was diagnosed with Stage IV Glioblastoma. She had several weeks of radiation & chemo and tolerated both very well. Her only child is a United States Marine who recently returned from Afghanistan and is stationed in San Diego. In March of 2013 Kim’s family coordinated a fundraiser and her son flew in to surprise her, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. She is still doing well, continuing to take chemotherapy. There has been no tumor re-growth as of her last Drs. appt earlier this month. She has great support from her family & friends and continues to maintain a positive attitude and outlook. She is a lifelong friend of mine and I love her like a sister. She is an inspiration to many.