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Keeping the Faith




Submitted by:
Michael Hickox

In May of 2016, my wife, Loretta, unexpectedly suffered a seizure while we were working in the yard. She was unable to speak or to respond to me. She was transported to the Henry Ford Hospital System Neurosurgical ICU in Detroit where an MRI revealed a tumor in her left temporal lobe. She was diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme Stage IV. When I first saw her in the Neuro ICU, she had awoken in unfamiliar surroundings, restrained, on a respirator, and wasn’t quite certain who I was. She was terrified. Dr. Mamood, her surgeon, assured me that my wife was at the best possible place on the planet for her care. He was right. With the assistance of the Neuro floor team, she was discharged to home two days after having surgery. More importantly, she was in good spirits and looking forward to her future. Although she needs little supervision or guidance, she suffers from a speech and language deficit, short term memory loss, and blurred vision in her left eye. Dr. Walbert informed us of a clinical trial that was available which she decided to participate in. Thus, with the assistance of Dr. Donthireddy, nurse John Gaggin, and the team on the 13th floor, our journey as patient and caregiver began. Loretta will tell you that God has placed her in good hands throughout this journey, that she has had a wonderful life and she intends to live each day to its fullest and enjoy the blessings of family and friends. She continues to laugh and see the beauty in the life that surrounds her, as well as be a caregiver and guardian angel for all those who surround her. She is an inspiration to have faith, live life to the fullest, and never give up. Every day Loretta reads a devotional and inspirational messages. She has put together a good summary of her new life philosophy from these messages: “If God brings it to you, He will bring you through it” “Happy moments, Praise God. Difficult moments, seek God. Quiet moments, worship God. Painful moments, trust God. Every moment, thank God” Thank you, Loretta, for your inspiration and encouragement to be the best we all can be and to live each day to its fullest while appreciating the blessings we have been provided. Thankfully, her MRIs continue to be stable. I am so proud of her and her unfailing positive attitude. I believe she deserves an honor for her courage, positive outlook, and the joy that she brings to everyone that she comes into contact with. It is an honor for me to share my life with such an amazing woman.