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Keeping the Faith




Submitted by:
LeeAnn Iacona

My friend Lori has only been on her journey since June. It started with a few odd symptoms that her doctor attributed to Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disorder she had recently been diagnosed with. Lori knew it had to be more when she had increased weakness in her body and she found herself needing a cane to walk. She went back to her primary doctor who sent her to a neurologist. It was at that exam/MRI that she was told she had a brain tumor!!! A glioblastoma!! God is good though because the tumor was small and near the top of her skull which made it completely operable. The tumore has been removed and she is about 1/3 of the way though of her chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Lori’s positive outlook and love of her family has kept her moving forward and fighting this diagnosis that would make most people curl up and cry. I am proud to call Lori a friend and she is now a wonderfulf role model.