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Keeping the Faith




Submitted by:
Carolina Mascarin

In 2013 my beautiful mom, started with a few behavioral and physical changes that we starting making excuses for ” it might be the depression, it might be the new medication, it might be…” then one day I went to her house in the morning and her left side of the body was “different ” I thought it was a stroke, we rushed to the hospital, they were ready for an stroke patient and after some tests the doctors came with the devastating news it’s a GBM (Glioblastoma multiforme) The following days came with the reality of how the tumor had affected my moms brain and how fast the doctors had to start the process to stop and prevent more damage, everything came so quickly, calls to family and friends started, calls for prayers… we are so blessed to have this people in our lives, their prayers, visits, meals were there for us, we felt the love of the community, people that we have not heard form in years showed up with a meal, with a hug, with an email with a message saying we are there for you, your mom is in our prayers. My sisters came to the states a few days after the diagnose and we started our “love prayer healing power”, the five of us together not the best circumstances to be together for but our love as a family gave us so much strength, all that love that my sweet mom had seeded in our lives was flourishing now, My mom is a believer and she has always trusted in his love and presence in our lives. God was there he helped us through the process, we were praying for a miracle, the doctors told us 18 months of life, that’s it, only more 18 months of mom. As I said before, we prayed for a miracle and God heard our prayers, He blessed us to have my mom in one of the best hospitals in SC, MUSC, the drs and technology are part of our prayers just because she got the best! the treatment was not easy but she did it! and now 3 and half years after, we have a walking miracle! My mom is with us still beating all life expectations of her tumor. God is great!!!