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Keeping the Faith



Romero Sanchez

In February 2012, Martin began suffering from extreme headaches, along with muscle stiffness and nausea. He visited his Primary Care Physician and was diagnosed with “tension headaches.” Since the headaches came every morning coupled with stiff muscles, the diagnosis seemed spot on. It was further validated when the prescribed muscle relaxers and massages provided much needed relief. However, after months of just “patching” the issue, he decided it was time to find a more long-term solution. On August 16, 2012, he had his first CAT scan, which to everyone’s astonishment, revealed extensive swelling in his brain. On the same day as his CT scan, he was admitted to the Memorial Hermann ER. Over the span of the next 24 hours, he met with a plethora of nurses and doctors, and on August 17th, he was diagnosed with brain cancer. For someone who rarely had the common cold, this diagnosis was startling. A week later, he underwent his first craniotomy and was officially diagnosed with a Grade 3 Astrocytoma and Grade 4 Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). Since his diagnosis, Martin has undergone a second craniotomy and radiation therapy, and continues today with oral and IV chemotherapy. For the past 12 months, his MRI scans have shown that the tumor is stable, and in the world of Brain Cancer, this is GREAT news! He believes he owes such an accomplishment to the medical team at the MH Mischer Neuroscience Institute and the amazing support of his family and friends. Now that doctor visits and therapy have become part of his regular routine, Martin dedicates his time to helping and supporting other brain cancer patients. He actively participates in the MNI Brain Tumor Support Group, is part of the ABTA Volunteer CommYOUnity, and attends annual conferences to learn more about available therapy and maintaining quality of life. Those around him are always inspired by his tenacity and positive attitude. Martin, thank you for keeping up the fight & helping others to do the same!